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Says the kid that reinvents the wheel only to find octagons don't roll as well as circles....


Good luck kid, come back once you are willing to listen as well as talk.

One of my favorite quotes is, "You don't need to reinvent the wheel to sell it". As I'm not going to sell it, but is it so bad i "reinvented it"? I won't be back.


Bad? No. Silly? Yes. Your bad attitude will get you very far in life, probably jail, from my experience.


Just imagine that, I'd be more pissed about the public spectacle they made. Not only did he lose his precious drone but he had to pay a fine and court costs. Then to add insult to injury, they made a public show of it all.

I think I'd pay the fines then buy another then land it on the deck of the sub, I'd avoid the bridge though. Maybe I should fly it thru the judges living room window kamikaze style.

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