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Perchlorate flash powder


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So instead of giving out any helpful info I guess were letting kids learn off the homies on youtube... (Not this thread obviously but many others)


I am new here as well and I dont understand all the anti info stuff going on. Maybe I will but currently my feeling is if someone is going to do something how are you liable for giving out the info? Dont sell it, dont buy it but the knowledge can always be had. Anarchist cook book comes to mind. How is the written word illegal?


I get not wanting to give out your info if you dont feel someone is ready for it but all the folks around here that jump onto the dont do that band wagon is a real shame. We are all responsible for ourselves. Its not your responsibility to be responsible for me, is it?


In my case I was able to learn how to do what Im not supposed to do and at the same time with the knowledge came the honest truth that the risk was not worth the reward. Im not in high school or college anymore but the knowledge I have is powerful possibly down the road but maybe never. I mean this in a end of the world collapse or a stubborn tree stump out in the middle of no where. Which still exists in Texas.


Just guess I dont yet understand the reasons for some folks actions around here. As a new member I also hope its not a pattern.

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So instead of giving out any helpful info I guess were letting kids learn off the homies on youtube... (Not this thread obviously but many others)


I am new here as well and I dont understand all the anti info stuff going on. Maybe I will but currently my feeling is if someone is going to do something how are you liable for giving out the info? Dont sell it, dont buy it but the knowledge can always be had. Anarchist cook book comes to mind. How is the written word illegal?


I get not wanting to give out your info if you dont feel someone is ready for it but all the folks around here that jump onto the dont do that band wagon is a real shame. We are all responsible for ourselves. Its not your responsibility to be responsible for me, is it?


In my case I was able to learn how to do what Im not supposed to do and at the same time with the knowledge came the honest truth that the risk was not worth the reward. Im not in high school or college anymore but the knowledge I have is powerful possibly down the road but maybe never. I mean this in a end of the world collapse or a stubborn tree stump out in the middle of no where. Which still exists in Texas.


Just guess I dont yet understand the reasons for some folks actions around here. As a new member I also hope its not a pattern.


The main point I think was missed in your post is that we are not indebted to offer conversation or help in matters we are uncomfortable with. Flash is a subject I speak freely about with people I know to be safe operators and I have a relationship with. There has been a rash of people coming on to this forum looking for specific information on only one item, flash.


That makes me uncomfortable when after only a couple posts, those persons become upset because I wont help them find the chemicals, sell them the chemicals or give them information on how to make or use flash. It is a right of mine and everyone here to remain silent or have/give their opinion.


There seems to be a sense lately in entitlement, demands to know or have something and then become upset because we decline to help or provide.


Keep in mind that in the rules section, there are two rules that are often skipped because people just don't like them.

1. Search before asking a question. If you are a thumper and want flash information and I decline to help you, pull up your big boy panties and do a search.


10. This forum is for intelligent discussion of pyrotechnics, chemistry and related topics. It is NOT for illegal activities, violence and destruction. Do not post material from the Anarchist's Cookbook or other such materials. We will not teach you how to "blow **** up". If I even THINK that you are going to do this, I'm out! It is my right as a person, as a forum member and as a citizen to decline assisting you in destruction. Whining will not help change my mind or others.


​Lastly: Amateur Pyrotechnics is the name and the goal for me being here. To me and my interpretation of those words, that means the art of pyrotechnics, not the destructive nature of the fringe side. And no, I'll not be suckered into giving information to persons I am uncomfortable with because the alternative is for them to go to YouTube to get it from "the homies", whatever that means. I personally have met, face to face with both Mumbles and Sidewinder, I see their character as sound and well proven over the past decade of moderation here, I trust them and I hope that they trust me somewhat to make the call for myself to expect a relationship of sorts with persons coming here before sharing information. It's my call, not yours and with 29 posts, you dont have the credibility to be making demands.

Edited by dagabu
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I get not wanting to give out your info if you dont feel someone is ready for it but all the folks around here that jump onto the dont do that band wagon is a real shame. \

You must have missed that part.


I didnt post anything from the cook book just that written word isnt illegal. If you dont want to share your information thats fine but not every Tom Dick & Harry needs to hear from every Nancy that doesnt want them to do what they are doing. Just like its our right not to speak its theirs to learn if they so choose. My point that I think you missed is that you dont need to tell everyone your personal feelings on a matter especially if your not even going to offer any helpful advice....


Also I wonder how many of us did the same thing growing up? Its part of life. You have to learn to lie before you can learn to tell the truth and you have to break the rules before you learn to follow them. If they have a love for pyro my opinion would be to covet that love and share in the hobby that we both have. Im not going to to go tell someone that is already in the process of doing something that I wont help them and they shouldn't do it. Mention that its illegal. Sure, but in most cases just like the one shown here in this post people jump on that band wagon before they even know whats going on.... Its a shame....


Just my .02 and that wont even get you a cup of Coffee so it aint worth much I guess.

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Part of the problem is that the hobby of pyrotechnics is, for lack of a better phrase, constantly under assault by those who would place stricter regulations or ban it completely. Because of this, true pyro artists try to distance themselves from the "kewl bombers" as much as possible. Kewl bombers put a bad name on us and we don't like it.

Edited by MadMat
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Thanks for the kind words and the response Merlin. As for me, Im 40, and I am a native Texan. The thump felt in my bones is what I have chased my whole life. If its followed by crackles, sparks, streamers and whistles....all the better. I grew up poor, so the only thing we could buy is Black Cats, M-80's and snakes. We had to go to the city to watch colorful fireworks. There is plenty of info on the open net to do all the devious things one would wish. I joined this group because of the good advice and the level of knowledge of its members I discovered while I was using the open net for research. I understand the huge gap between those who make the "colorful fireworks",(for a lack of a better term), and the salute guys. I have seen where they are separated at events because of the "hatred" between these 2 groups. It astounds me really. (if it weren't for the BP charges, the aerial colorful fireworks would be ground flares). I have learned that Safety and Small Quantities are the key to experimentation. I have since made many different things and I learn every day. It is a slow process, but its safe. As far as Im concerned, ALL fireworks start with a bang (salute if you will), and what follows depends on the expertise of the maker. The more expertise, the more beautiful the result. I started with making flash. Now that I have that down.....everything else is cake and less dangerous. Like a wise man once said, "if your not nervous making flash...you shouldn't be making it". I joined this forum because I wanted to get away from the open net and some of the hazardous and dangerous ways of doing things and learn from people who I thought were smart and dedicated. I look forward to many discussions in the future, but I don't want to be criticized if I ask a question about flash.

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There are threads galore here on the safe-ish manufacture and use of flash. The one common theme is safety and the more I read, the more I understand why folks are reluctant to advise newbies who've not proven any other interest other than boomers. Every dumbass who blows body parts off is hung around the neck of this community and the powers that be start shouting "Ban It!" before the facts are even in.

I don't use flash (yet) but voraciously read every thread I see to insure there's not some little hint or tip I've missed that might help me continue my lifelong love affair with all my body parts. I take remonstration for ill thought ideas to heart and in stride because I know it'll serve me well later and I'm damned good with that.

I've also learned that a big head, know-it-all attitude will lead to being left out of the more interesting threads because... ya know..bigheads suck.

That's my 1¢ since I need the other one for a shim under my scale :D

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... I have seen where they are separated at events because of the "hatred" between these 2 groups...

...look forward to many discussions in the future, but I don't want to be criticized if I ask a question about flash...


I have no hatred at all, I am certainly not in one group or another, I am a fireworker, I love ALL fireworks. I use my fare share of flash and VERY much enjoy bottom shots, Dr. X and Gabe Morts.


With 2 posts, that is a pretty strong stance to take and I fear that you will only be taken seriously when you contribute to the discussion beyond the fact that you dont like to be criticized. Who does? I sure don't. But if I need to swallow a bitter pill, then so be it.

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Being a firearms enthusiast, I am immune to the gun banners screaming Ban em! After seeing the guy blow his leg off shooting a lawnmower with Tannerite, the kid losing his hand with a sparkler "bomb", and the sensitive TATP left in Central Park and the NFL player disfiguring himself with a "homemade" fireworks, the guy that died from lighting a mortar tube on his head, or the guy shooting himself in the face with a roman candle just to name a few within the last 8 months.......Ive heard NO "BAN" screams yet. Maybe your over exaggerating a bit, but I see your point. Thanks, Old Marine. Semper Fi Sir.

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3leggedsquirrel, I think you missed my point. I love well made salutes. The big flash and the chest thumping boom is great. What I was referring to are immature jack-asses who have no concern for safety or the law and their main interest is "blowing **** up. This mentality can easily end up with themselves or others maimed/killed.

After you have spent countless hours,sweat and money in the attempt to perfect your art, I will bet money you too will be offended when one of these immature ass-hats try to pick your brain.

Edited by MadMat
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Being a firearms enthusiast, I am immune to the gun banners screaming Ban em! After seeing the guy blow his leg off shooting a lawnmower with Tannerite, the kid losing his hand with a sparkler "bomb", and the sensitive TATP left in Central Park and the NFL player disfiguring himself with a "homemade" fireworks, the guy that died from lighting a mortar tube on his head, or the guy shooting himself in the face with a roman candle just to name a few within the last 8 months.......Ive heard NO "BAN" screams yet. Maybe your over exaggerating a bit, but I see your point. Thanks, Old Marine. Semper Fi Sir.

The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance. Never think they aren't coming for whatever offends them because they are!

You can bet your butt the CPSC is working up some new regs as we speak. A death by a thousand cuts is just as fatal as a piano falling on your head.

Edited by OldMarine
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dagabu, Ive spent my whole life being criticized. I have thick skin and I rather be put in my place for being wrong than ignored and not corrected. You may be a fireworks enthusiast, as am I. Thanks for sharing on this topic. I hope that my contribution to the group is beneficial. I understand my entrance wasn't at all graceful, but that will change.

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3leg, look at this one example of regulatory creep: You can buy full length rocket tubes all day long as Joe Schmo but if you have them cut to length? You suddenly need an ATF license.

What's the difference? Perception.

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Yep, OM

The problem is perception is always followed by opinion. The problem is opinions are like butt-holes, every one has one and almost all the time they stink.

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OldMarine, I see. Does it fall into the category of a destructive device? I see now what you mean. The regulatory creep is indeed creeping.

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Perhaps its best to drop this topic. I didn't expect it to come to such a point, it shouldn't have been mentioned!!! ( For those new members, don't be an idiot like me & read the rules!!) In no way was the original post in relation to m-80s, black cats etc. I didn't realise how sensitive this area is & the fact that obviously there is more problems with misuse that we don't have here.


Keep safe

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Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to starting more meaningful conversations and relevant topics in the future. Thanks for the add. You can't blame me for testing the waters a little bit ;)

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Any way all, welcome to APC, make something and take video, we all want to see it. :D

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Hmm. Yeah.... I stumbled in here a few years ago pretty much the "thump junkie". Having been around the block several times it didn't take me long to get the drift. I discovered I had done a good bit of risky business and gotten away with it (as in not getting hurt). I further discovered that the door to pyro may be a small one but the room is very large.


If you like the fire (and I do!), stick around and benefit from the knowledge and experience here. Do check the Safety forum for the stories on dagabu and BurritoBandito. It is sobering stuff and anyone would do well to consider the consequences of a pyro project gone sideways. If you're into this and start to mill BP, get Lloyd's book. It is the bible on mill construction and operation. Do skip to the back and read the "Help, I've been burned" chapter first. This is not quite like any other hobby/career, one mistake can be life altering or fatal. Period.


Now we're past the scary stuff. Do hang out and learn from this group. It is amazing here. I haven't contributed much because I'm still in the knowledge accumulation mode, but a little searching here will reveal just about anything you want to know about. Even without having a pass to the HE forum. I've been curious what's there but there's so much out here and I just don't have the need. Perhaps later....


I'm having great fun with BP and rockets for now. Working on scaling up and expanding into gerbs and mines. If I only had more time.......


Be safe, stay green!

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Otto, that was a great post! The only thing I found odd was that I started with gerbs and mines before gaining the confidence to advance to rockets! If rockets work for you the others will be a cakewalk.




Ditto on Otto's recommendation to read up on Dagabu's accident. You'll hopefully appreciate his advice rather than resent it afterward.

Edited by OldMarine
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Iv'e said it before but it bears repeating: I love my pyro brothers and sisters, I want you all to make pyro and shoot it all without ever visiting the CCU/ICU. I promise you, being a coma for a month and living off a tube down your nose and breath delivered through a tube in your throat is an experience I have already provided for you all, Do Not Repeat!


Why are you still reading? Go out and build a girandola frame or a shell casing for goodness sake!

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Spot on!!
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