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H3 or BP-Rice Hulls?


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With H3, just like black powder, the quality of charcoal matters. Perhaps not as critically, but it matters. Commercial airfloat is underwhelming given it's reputation, but a moderate to hot charcoal will behave as Shimizu reports. You can even use H3 in lift for small shells and inserts. It does have some of the same characteristics as potassium perchlorate based compositions. Pressure is a serious factor.

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I could tell you about a club member who gave H3 to someone for lift, without saying what it was. 6" steel gun.


Hey! It LOOKED like homemade BP!



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I heard of that story before, didn't he had multiple shells made with that lift, and stopped firing the shells after he send two or three mortars to heaven?


What i forgot to mention the charcoal i use for H-3 is alder or poplar/pine blend.

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Lloyd I don't know if that was mean or hillarious, but I'm getting a visual and laughing really damn hard. I seeing a look of disbelief on their face with 3 one syllable words for a report.
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Yeah, there were a few 'short words' issued as a result!


No, the guy didn't do it out of meanness, but out of ignorance. He figured, if it works for burst, it MUST work for lift. How right he was!



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Ultimately if your burst is too hot you can easily swap in some Rice Krispies (puffed rice breakfast cereal)

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I probably should have put extra emphasis on the small shells and inserts. I'm aware of the issues with H3 lift at the FPAG shoot. I wouldn't use it on anything more than a 3" probably. Joel Harmon was doing some work with H3 as a lift at one point I believe. There might be some information on Passfire or Fireworking.

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Wow I missed a lot of action on the thread lol.


I believe there becomes a point in weight where:, like flash, whistle and chlorate comps reach critical mass and are subject to a explosion, deflageration or detonation , v.s. burning .



As Mumbles said: i would not suggest H-3 as a lift. And Loyd, I could imagine the sh*t eating grin on their faces , after the terror wore off. lol ............ Us pyros do indeed enjoy a sick satisfaction of a bit of destruction in our diet.

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I think everyone does Pyrojig. If we didn't Youtube, Jackass, and Funniest Videos wouldn't be universally known. I believe there is a certain primal satisfaction in seeing poetic justice or just deserts, or saying I told you so. My all time favorite was the kid with the identity crisis. He built a low-rider out of a 1978 Cadillac. Hydraulic suspension, 5000 watt noisemakers and everything. Then one day daddy bought him a supercharger for a big block chevy. He found an adapter manifold and his brother install it for him. Not bad. But it wasn't enough. One day he found out what a waste gate is and disabled his right before 1/4 mile drag run at Moroso. Although Moroso Motorsports park is a little inland, there were some pissed off fish on the Atlantic Coast where the manifold landed. As far as I know he never found it. He knew everything better though. If I had known then what I know now I would have gave him a quart ounce of colloidon in acetone and told him to put it just inside the air filter just before the run. Then again the result probably wouldn't have been much different.
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