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Salutes and boomers


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I agree, Lloyd, but here in Vermont they've gone the route of regulating them as if they were fireworks, on the basis of its' "primary function to produce a display of light, sound, or both." They want people to get a permit from their local AHJ for each use, just like fireworks.


Of course, nobody does. Just like fireworks. :D



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Merlin wrote:

"I have still been under the impression that ground salutes containing flash is a no go for anyone without a high explosives license."



Just to be clear, unless you're talking about a STATE license, there is no such thing. ATF no longer differentiates. There are limited permits, permits, and licenses. Among them is no such "high explosives license". An "ordinary" type 50 (manufacturer of explosives) qualifies you to handle anything, so long as you also comply with state regs.



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I use sulfur candles to control the burrowing pests on my land.


50 KNO3

40 Sulfur

10 Charcoal


Pound that into a 3/4 inch tube, light the end and push it down a rodent hole with a shovel of earth on top to seal it. Silent but deadly. They don't come out. I've been amazed how far the tunnels travel - I've seen smoke come out of the ground 200 feet away.

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