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No more videos from me guys.


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I will not post a single video for the next two years maybe......the reason is, that out of my russian pyro-freinds got arrested for homemade pyro. He is charged with making exlosives and other charges. So I will take precaution and not post anything,,,,,,I think i will not even respond to PMs. But I am actually OK! Don't worry about me!

It was nice time talking here on APC!


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That's actually too bad!


I have a son who spent some time in Moscow with the US Embassy.


He toured a site of Russian fireworkers setting up a show. They SMOKED WHILE LOADING SHELLS!


So, almost _anything_ you could post would be superior to that! <G>


Sorry for your perceived danger, but please follow along, and DO post 'innocuous' things, like advice to others about their techniques.



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Sorry to hear that.


You can still keep talking here.


There is a difference between asking questions and telling everyone what you made.


"how did you do that" versus "look what I made."


Just because I might ask somebody how they did heart surgery does not mean I am doing it.

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Yeah....I actually might do that, I will just not post any shells and stuff. Maybe later, like a few years.

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I will not post a single video for the next two years maybe......the reason is, that out of my russian pyro-freinds got arrested for homemade pyro. He is charged with making exlosives and other charges. So I will take precaution and not post anything,,,,,,I think i will not even respond to PMs. But I am actually OK! Don't worry about me!

It was nice time talking here on APC!


Dem... this sucks :(


Btw I think you can still use chat, if i'm right it shouldn't save anything of what you were talking....


Edit: Maybe you could join some pyro club and that could give you permision to shoot/film shells

Edited by Stef727
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In Russia there are no pyro clubs. In Russia making homemade fireworks is understanded as making bombs and terrorism. Its totaly ilegal. I think I will be in the chat.

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In Russia there are no pyro clubs. In Russia making homemade fireworks is understanded as making bombs and terrorism. Its totaly ilegal. I think I will be in the chat.


Dem that sucks... no respect for the art :angry:

Edited by Stef727
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Dam sorry to hear that. You have great skills in making things and I was always interested in seeing them.

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You will still be able to see them, we will upload them them to Stef's channel.

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I will not post a single video for the next two years maybe......the reason is, that out of my russian pyro-freinds got arrested for homemade pyro. He is charged with making exlosives and other charges. So I will take precaution and not post anything,,,,,,I think i will not even respond to PMs. But I am actually OK! Don't worry about me!

It was nice time talking here on APC!



Cant say that i blame you. This is pretty much the reason i don't post images or videos myself. However, at least around here, just having typed how you would do something isn't enough proof on it's own, so i'm able to keep yapping on the forum. In Russia things are, quite different, i know. You do what you feel like you have to do.

Take care.


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Maxim, I'm very sorry to hear that. I enjoyed your videos and your shells and rockets were quite nice. You've got some hot BP, too. I mean, you theoretically would have nice shells and rockets and hot BP if you had ever done pyro. ;)

Does Russia have different categories of fireworks so that some would be legal? Here in the US, or at least in my state/county, there are some fireworks that are considered "novelties" and are legal year-round and everywhere. These are small things like sparklers, smoke bombs, and poppers.

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Blue! I still will make fireworks! And I will show you guys the videos! I am just gonna upload them to Stef's youtube channel instead of mine! Just for safety!

About firework laws in Russia. You can't be a shell bigger then 3" if you don't have a Pyrotechnician lisence. And even they can't shoot a shell bigger than 12", so Nil broke the Russian law be shooting a 16" shell!

About homemade pyro, It's illigal, but police usually dosn't care if you don't get caught with it. But right now the terrorist alert in Russia is high, so police is more restrict. BP is understanded as an explosive, for police it's not different then TNT. A homemade firework shell is understanded as a homemade explosive+shrapnel ( they think that stars are shrapnel ) shell.

But perc is totaly legal! And thats strange:)

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Glad to hear you'll still be making fireworks and videos. :D

How is it legal to build a shell under 3" if BP is illegal anyway? And I was wondering why Nil's shell was the first 16" in Russia. That explains it. It's strange that there's a limit even for people with a license.

I'm sick of bureaucracy with fireworks regulations. There's a distinct difference in making explosives for entertainment or making them for killing people.

Also odd that perchlorate's legal, but very nice. :)

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I ment that regural people can't buy a firework shell bigger than 3", only licenced pyrotechnicians! BP is illegal, yes. If you disassemble a firework shell and take the BP away from the lift charge cup it gets illiegal! So the BP that is in the manufactured fireworks is legal, because it's used to lift shells, but if you take it out or make some of it yourself, you can be charged with making or storing explosives! If you get a hunter licence that you can buy the BP from the weapon shop and use it ONLY for shooting your gun. That's how it works!

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I mean technically black powder is illegal in the US without a license too unless the powder is used in "antique firearms for sporting or cultural purpose". However making explosive isn't illegal unless you transport it.
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Though it sounds like regular folks can buy 3" shells without a permit? Not bad.



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I wonder what the fine is over there for getting caught or should i say penalty ?

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It's Russia. There is no "penalty" as such. Your just taken away, never to be heard from again.


Kidding, of course. I suppose it's like everywhere else where it's illegal to make fireworks. You can be charged with anything up to terrorist activity. (Owning, storing, and dealing with precursors for "high explosives". The state really has no clue, but then again, what else is new.)


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I suspect though the charge may be "making explosives" the actual penalty will vary depending on what the intent is. If it's fireworks a slap on the hand, if it's making actual bombs, it would be a lot more severe.
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If you are younger than 18 years old, then there is no penalty at all, But they can call your parents and tell them, that they should tell you to stop doing it, If you are older than 18 years it gets worse. I can go just fine ( they will confiscate your shells and stuff, but you won't even have to pay a fine ) or they can sent your shells to an expertise, that will choose: is your shell a bomb, or just a pyro shell. If it is just a pyro shell, than you might just get a fine like 100 $. If they think that it is a bomb, than you can be charged with making explosives-bombs and keeping them. That might result in 2-3 years of suspended jail sentence. But now, in the "Terrorist-alert" time I think that they might even charge you with worse charges. Actually it all depends on how angry your cops are! :D If they are good and happy ( not sneaky and not if they want to catch some dudes so they would get a salary-raise ) then they might just recommend you to stop doing pyro and thats all :) All depends into what cop you run in personaly, :)

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Around here the cops don't care They actually come and watch me shoot sometimes. Now if something happens that might be looked over. If the media gets a hold of it they will blow it out of proportion, then all hell breaks loose. Several years ago when you didn't have to have a Lic. the ATF took all my explosives for illegal storage. That's was one of the downfalls of having a Lic.. They check you every 3 years. Talking about Terrorist, on certain things you were supposed to be tried as a terrorist. Here is something that happens not long ago here. A teenager called in a Bomb threat on a High school twice and i felt like he should have been tried as a terrorist, but i don't think he will. I will have to find out today. It's just to much going on to be acting stupid like that.

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Talking about Terrorist, on certain things you were supposed to be tried as a terrorist. Here is something that happens not long ago here. A teenager called in a Bomb threat on a High school twice and i felt like he should have been tried as a terrorist, but i don't think he will. I will have to find out today. It's just to much going on to be acting stupid like that.

Around here, calling in a threat like that wont qualify as terrorism. There has to be an actual threat, not just the threat of one, so to speak. But i don't get how they manage to put (per)chlorates as a terrorist "high explosive precursor", and restrict it. The last time i checked, terrorists used TATP (TACP, and all the abbreviations for basically the same substance included) for which you need 3 basic household chemicals, all of which are impossible to restrict. (They do restrict certain grades, but thats not stopping any terrorist. You just use the weaker grades, produce less heat, and consume more of the chemicals, as seen to volume. The product remains the same.)


Pyro... Yeah, a terrorist would use it to practice making bomb. I think not.


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