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Making a ball of fire


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I'm making a series of vines (7-second videos for distribution via Twitter) showing various things being destroyed, mostly by dropping something heavy onto something fragile (like a bowling ball onto a TV). I'd like the series to culminate with this pyro effect. It's kind of an art piece, but there's also a commercial component I'd rather not get into. It has nothing to do with fear-mongering, and, particularly within the context of the series, it will be clear it's just another example of something going from being normal one moment to being destroyed the next.

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Just to get a good highly visible flame you could soak the innards of the bear in Naphtha and allow it to wick through the skin. The flame will rip across the bear very visibly.

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Just be aware that if you soak it in something there will be a lot of fuel. A lot more than what will burn in 2 sec. So don't smack it to try and put it out as you will spray flaming liquid all over the place and likely all over you. Either let it burn itself out or cover it with a metal can to smother it. If you smother it be aware that it will still be full of flammable liquid.
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Another thought is that you might want to add a little gasoline and let it sit for a minute so vapors can accumulate. When it lights it will do so with more of a 'whuff' and be a little more spectacular. Not sure if the naptha will do the same? But definitely have some distance between it and you. Some fuels burn fairly clean and don't have a lot of color so maybe do it later in the day or in the shade. I don't know if there is a common sodium salt that will dissolve in a hydrocarbon fuel but that would help give a more yellow flame. Maybe just sprinkling some salt on the animal would get it hot enough and accomplish the same thing? Anyone know?


You might take a rag and try your fuel on it first to see if it gives the flames you are looking for before sacrificing your stuffed animal. Then you could also try a few different things.


Also, be sure to have an ABC fire extinguisher on hand and a bucket of sand in case things start to get out of control.

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Sounds like a job for a professional tech to me due to your lack of experience, + liability and safety issues.


I am not a professional special FX pyro tech by any stretch of the imagination, but have worked as a professional mechanic and industrial maintenance tech and have had safety training for volatile fluids and gases.


Vapors from gasoline and naptha are VERY explosive.


When I was young and dumb I poured about a pint of gasoline into a hole in the ground where yellow jacket bees had built a nest to get rid of them. What I did not know was there were underground tunnels made by other ground dwelling creatures, and the vapors followed these tunnels for who knows how far. When I tried to be safe and threw a torch soaked in kerosene at the hole, the underground vapors ignited and literally shook the earth over a 100 foot radius. That was underground with limited oxygen, but the explosion was somewhat confined. Above ground many mechanic's shops have had the walls laid down from gasoline vapor explosions.


Even outside in the open the vapors will disperse in an unknown pattern and may cause a flash fire of short duration that might cause damage to person and property.


Ohhh Mumbles... Wherefore art thou? :(

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