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Where can i get the proper charcoal for BP


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Just made my first batch of cedar airfloat. Messy as all hell but had a blast :)


My addiction is really beginning to grow. Thank you everyone for all of your information. I hope to have some video's up soon.



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DaMounty, the Cedar is where it's at! That is of course my opinion though. :) I run a sawmill as a hobby and thus have access to all types of wood, all the time. When I got started in Pyro, I did a lot of digging and research, and kept reading good things about Palownia, Willow, and Eastern Red Cedar. I had just finished a big Cedar job for a guy and had a lot of it laying around, so that's the first charcoal I cooked. After that, I tried a lot of different woods. Having a sawmill, it is easy for me to just go out into my woods, cut down a few trees, and mill them up into planks in just a couple hours. I was surprised to find that there was quite a noticeable difference between the different species of wood. I never tried Palownia, but I tried Willow, Oak, Pine, Poplar, Locust, Hickory, and of course Cedar. The Cedar turned out to be my favorite. It is much more reactive than any of the hardwoods, and arguably as fast as the Willow. So that is what I have stuck with. This winter, the weather got so bad that I couldn't cook any charcoal for a couple weeks. So I went ahead and bit the bullet and ordered some hardwood charcoal from my pyro chemical supplier. I couldn't believe the difference. Yes, the charcoal worked, BUT the quality of everything suffered. My prime wasn't as hot, my TT stars did not spark as much, and my bp was noticeably weaker. I have experienced it firsthand.. good charcoal is one of the most important things you can have. Enjoy your new addiction!

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I have 'cooked' pine, ash, willow, fir, alder, tree of heaven, cedar, maple......and last week...Newspaper!

The newspaper rolls were about 1 1/2" dia and taped with gummed tape. They were 'cooked' as I do other wood coal. The result was quite amazing....can crumple by hand....little or no airborne particles...no grinding necessary. I weighed out the proper amount for a batch of Bp and crushed it ny hand and into the ball mill. Milled for appropriate time and was quite pleased with the result. Less than 10% of shell wt up to 3". Haven't tested larger shells as yet. Don't bad mouth it till you try it!

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I have 'cooked' pine, ash, willow, fir, alder, tree of heaven, cedar, maple......and last week...Newspaper!

The newspaper rolls were about 1 1/2" dia and taped with gummed tape. They were 'cooked' as I do other wood coal. The result was quite amazing....can crumple by hand....little or no airborne particles...no grinding necessary. I weighed out the proper amount for a batch of Bp and crushed it ny hand and into the ball mill. Milled for appropriate time and was quite pleased with the result. Less than 10% of shell wt up to 3". Haven't tested larger shells as yet. Don't bad mouth it till you try it!


Thanks for your testing BT, it's good to see the experiments continuing on your end.

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I have a lot of Pine Charcoal and now I bought some Cedar pet Bedding from Wal-mart and man is that ever fast. I won't be making any more pine and more ERC for now on. My pine is great stuff but the Cedar is faster. Pet bedding I don't have to cut logs up, remove the bark, bad rotten spots and limb knots, then split into 6" x 1" pieces then cook. I just have to empty into paint cans and cook, easier to powder too.

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Thats what I'm talking about BT, this is how we progress right? --Speaking of this, I made a batch of charcoal with popsicle sticks for some willow and TT and well they work good. Couple hundred in the can and good to go.

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MWJ I have found that everything I make, (prime, charcoal stars, bp) benefits from ERC charcoal over most of the others. Although, I have not tried Paulownia. You will more than likely see an increase in performance in everything over the pine. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 'cooked' pine, ash, willow, fir, alder, tree of heaven, cedar, maple......and last week...Newspaper!

The newspaper rolls were about 1 1/2" dia and taped with gummed tape. They were 'cooked' as I do other wood coal. The result was quite amazing....can crumple by hand....little or no airborne particles...no grinding necessary. I weighed out the proper amount for a batch of Bp and crushed it ny hand and into the ball mill. Milled for appropriate time and was quite pleased with the result. Less than 10% of shell wt up to 3". Haven't tested larger shells as yet. Don't bad mouth it till you try it!

All I ever used was "packing paper"..basically unprinted newsprint. Made some FAST BP indeed!


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