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Ground burst


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Has anyone seen how they make a ground burst the one in this video @ is awesome.


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I suspect most people's answer will be not intentionally. ;)


If you look closely that is actually on a lake or body of water. You can find them occasionally called "frogs" I think. Basically it's half a shell with something floaty like styrofoam around it to orient it. Shells break bigger than you expect.

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Looking at the break & star formation i'd expect something more like a cone shape, then a half sphere, but that might be an artifact of sitting on the water?


Anyway, it looks quite nice.


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The only intentional ground burst I saw was made 1 shell hemi filled as normal and the other filled with kitty litter. This was lit in the winter in a large harvested field. The break was a dome or half sphere shape and large.


Mumbles is quite right, most ground bursts are mishaps. Fireworks look different from the inside looking out.

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Someone in the UK tried using commercial shells as ground shells, it's surprising how far they spread. Don't try one without a LOT of space, and a LONG firing cable, you really don't want to be inside that. IIRC a 3" shell stood on a 2" mortar (ie off the ground really) needs about 400m safety distance.

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Now i know why i never saw anything on this.
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