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Sodium Azide and Blackpowder


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I gotta ask what is the final goal of the comparison between the BP and Azide gas production . ??????? What is the goal here ??? I agree that Azides are very toxic, and find little to no place in pyro. But many of the chemicals we use can present similar dangers as in paris green ,etc. /So a fair warning in handling is well said, proper PPEs is a must for these chems..


I understand if your Q's are one of curiosity , and there is nothing wrong with asking . It is better to ask then to do something dangerous w/o proper knowledge . As mentioned above the dangers outweigh the benefit of a high gas producing compound. I have seen a spoon with S- Azide washed in hot tap water pop and flash as it was being washed. Not sure why it was igniting , but to many factors where in play here( to discuss in detail) .Azides are a more energetic material , and find more use being discussed in the HE section .

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I gotta ask what is the final goal of the comparison between the BP and Azide gas production . ??????? What is the goal here ??? I agree that Azides are very toxic, and find little to no place in pyro. But many of the chemicals we use can present similar dangers as in paris green ,etc. /So a fair warning in handling is well said, proper PPEs is a must for these chems..


I understand if your Q's are one of curiosity , and there is nothing wrong with asking . It is better to ask then to do something dangerous w/o proper knowledge . As mentioned above the dangers outweigh the benefit of a high gas producing compound. I have seen a spoon with S- Azide washed in hot tap water pop and flash as it was being washed. Not sure why it was igniting , but to many factors where in play here( to discuss in detail) .Azides are a more energetic material , and find more use being discussed in the HE section .

I don't know...ask the one who posted the question...he asked about the azide and BP.And I didn't compare them.I said why BP would suck for airbags.

Well...ammonium nitrate is stable.Some years ago a truck full with ammonium nitrate crashed and exploded.It shouldn't explode,but it did.They called it "ammonium nitrat explosion",but it was actually a fertilizer based on AN.There wasn't sodium azide.There was a spoon and sodium azide and hot TAP water.For example,the pipes could be old and the water itself could be contaminated with small amounts of metals.I heard many people complaining about tap water being undrinkable because of chlorine,or because they are scared not to have heavy metals in it.

Edited by Zyklon39
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I don't know...ask the one who posted the question...he asked about the azide and BP.And I didn't compare them.I said why BP would suck for airbags.

Edit: He actually asked how much gas is produced by BP in..somehow...a different question.Something like 2 in 1...I think he didn't want to start another topic.

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Because I'm inclined to believe you'll kill yourself.


...And some people take nitroglycerin for heart conditions.

For what reason?I don't like to overreact when it comes to safety for some reasons:


-They don't go "bang" for no reason.If they do,it was your fault.You can avoid that.(I told him to work inside a box like that because of toxicity,not to hit it or heat it.If you do that...well,it's like using glass for HF.)

-Bigger risks make me more careful.I know how it sounds,but I see explosives and toxic substances as a source of fun and a challenge,not as a job or something to be afraid of.If you're afraid you may do something wrong,because if you think something bad is going to happen or your plans go as you didn't expect them to and you were already scared you may start to shake for example or you may don't know how to react.

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Sorry Zyklon39 , it was gohjiejing I was trying to address, but also partly to you as well concerning the Q's asked.

Yes as said , impurities and contaminations can cause adverse reactions to "stable " materials . IF these materials are of interest , It is best to study in depth with good sound literature ( authors like urbanski , and Davis COPAE , and Federoff ,etc. ) not youtube and internet findings .

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Can we just close this topic , it honestly has no use xD ,

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I'm truly sorry if there is a misunderstanding above , I'm really thankful that you guys are answering my questions and provide me some safety warning with this chemical and other things . Just want to say it again over here is the reason i start this topic is to study the chemicals found in airbag , how airbag works , and why they don't use bp for it since bp can produces a great hot gases too , and yes you guys did answer my questions. Be note that I'll never access this chemical compound .

I'm not here to discuss about HE as I am not into there yet or not interested yet . Sodium Azide is an interesting compounds for me and also the most nasty compounds.I start this topic at APC forums since there is a chemistry section and the quite suitable way to ask .

As a conclusion , BP does not produce enought hot gases and enough speed to deploy a airbag. Therefore , my questions are come to end of here so far .


I don't recommend close down this topic as if other members has a questions about this compounds and he dont need to open a new topic .


Thank you everyone who view , reply , giving so much information and times for this topic .

Thank You

Edited by gohjiejing
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  • 2 months later...

Azides are considered with Primary explosives, as dangerous as copper azide which will detonate with little regard to your fingers flying all over the room but you wont see them because of the retenas in your eyes just burst from the sudden overpressure. Leave primary ex alone. MY 2 cents. no charge.

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Pyrocoyote : No Pun intended but I dont think that last post was necessary . Just for keeping things correct , SA is not a primary exp. It can be used to create primary exps. but it in itself is not( will not detonate ) . Over pressure's could only result from a explosion ,not from S-azide pellets being ignited .

I believe that the original poster was inquiring about the function of a airbag and the chemistry behind a low heat/ gas producing agent. He may have opened one and wondered what the" ignition train" was. There is some material that could be mistaken for Bp due to color, that is used to " activate" the S-azide pellets.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just making a point that airbag dets are very dangerous as is azides to mess with. Sorry if you thought it was unnessarry. Just have seen so many injuries from things like that.

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That last post you made is more appropriate and to the point.


Going off on a wild tangent only filled the threads with unnecessary unproven statements . Forgive me , for Im not targeting you out alone or poking at you , just suggesting keeping the topic to the point , and factual . New folks could take a statement as factual and get hurt or be mislead into believing they are in sever danger( not just this topic) . Again please dont take this the wrong way. I dont intend to hurt feelings.

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