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Thanks for the suggestion I just think I need a more reliable way to fuse them that's why the post for someone that has this knowledge and is willing to share or tell me what I did wrong .By the way ritcheee do you have a smoker( I smell smoke)

Hmm well, I suppose ONE going off prematurely could be a fusing problem, and if ONE goes off..Ka-BLOOIE.


Sooo it's kinda a catch-22 situation. Seal your fuses better. I run a drop of glue around the fuse after JUST inserting, then spin it into the device a bit more, ensuring there is glue actually IN the fuse hole. Then I wipe a fillet of glue around the fuse/device interface area.


And yes.. I have a smoker. Almost finished with "The Beast" as well..capable of 50 slabs, a pork butt and 25 ABT's ;{)



The Beast

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Wow that is a beast, very nice.


mudmanc5 your post up at the top could use about 5 more pieces of punctuation fyi. Thats gotta be the longest run on of different sentances and questions Ive ever seen.


Nice shells everybody. Most seemed to have better luck than me:D I will get up some links later on to my stuff.

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Wow, 4th of July must have been great for you guys,.... I'm still a little mad about myself for getting the shipping date wrong for my shell casings so I ended up getting my shells on the 5th! of July! :angry:


So I pretty much ended up buying fireworks at a local Walmart (fountains). while I watched my friends with their shells.


Great shells by the way :)

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Yeah it's got to be said looks like you guys had a great July 4th. Unfortunately us from the UK have a little under 4 months to wait for our golden day November 5th, I've already started prepairing ;)
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My golden day is in 6 days I only have 1 farfalle shell.


I'll be on my way tomorrow on mixing comps and making can shell casings

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I hope you have a drying chamber/hot weather and no job if you plan to get them done in 6 days. Even trying my hardest I usually barely squeaked by, and that involved taking shortcuts.
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I have 6 days of 33°C temperatures, and I'm too young to work so I have all the time I need, but yeah, I will need to go quite fast. I'm thinking that it will be mostly mines/comets this year because of the lack of mortars larger than 100mm.
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Make a drying box I highly recommend it. And its so easy, peg board, a light, zip ties, some rope/string and a fan. I'll take a picture of mine and show it later.
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Well, I allready have some sort of drying box. If it's cold and wet outside I just put all of my stuff in the place where there is all of the heating of the house it's a small room, and when it's on the temp can spike to the 40°C. (The house needs alot of heating because of it's size). But I'm considering making one.
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Never store drying items in your home, especially near an ignition source like a gas furnace or water heater.

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Now just a question, before I stop using the room. If I put my drying stuff (Never more than 300g batches for the moment) in the middle of the floor with nothing that could catch fire surrounding it is the house still at risk?



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Have you ever set fire to 300g of comp before? It can get out of hand if it ignited really fast. Thats a pretty big if.
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True True, I guess I'm not gonna take the risk. Thanks for opening my eyes ;)
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That's the problem with fireworks comps - they carry their own oxygen supply, and water on many of them just makes it worse. I was going to suggest drying inside a metal box, like a big ammo box, but slapping the lid down on a fire would just turn it into a bomb.
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This is my drying box with the lid off, I based the design from a skylighter article about making shells in 2 days. I got the ceramic heater from walmart for $20, and the box I made for free in shop class with free plywood.

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I found a three inch "silver palm" shell from my local 4th display. Pictures to come. Apparently, the quickmatch just tore, and it was on the ground at my lacrosse camp!
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I found a three inch "silver palm" shell from my local 4th display. Pictures to come. Apparently, the quickmatch just tore, and it was on the ground at my lacrosse camp!

Report it immediately to the Fire Dep't and local police!


Or...not ;{)

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I finally got round to filming some of my pyro, i've had a phobia of filming stuff as i prefer to watch it with my own eyes but i managed to do both ;)


This was a 4" chrysanthemum shell, the syemetry could have been a bit better, but overall i think it looked pretty cool. It probably would have looked better if it was darker but this was at half past 10 and the law prohibits fireworks after 11pm so i had to make do with the conditions.


Here are some pre fire / assembly pics :)








and of course the video:



Constructive Criticism is always appreciated ;)

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Wonderful shell nath0r! To improve symmetry and fullness, I might suggest shortening your comets to just a bit over the diameter so you can use more of them and fit them in a closer pattern. Gluing (with a small dab of hot glue) a ring of them around the lip of the hemi first, then filling the stars into the lower section will also help keep everything nice and tight.
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Thanks for the reply Frank. I think for the next batch of tigertail stars i will make them about half the size of the ones posted above, as you say, this will create a more dence sphere of stars in the sky.
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Yah Ive had some surprises with some mineral oil laced bp a few times, just burning it to get rid of it. Bad formulas and stuff. Maybe 50g, very huge and hot fireballs! 300g would be roasting a 10ft. ceiling.


Im not going to tell you to take your stuff outside. Although its not a good idea to do it inside. But this is coming from someone who dries things under a wood stove< not the best idea either, so dont try it.


I did a long time ago think up a container idea for drying stars that I might be suspected of spontaneous heating and ignition. Never implimented it though. Starting with a metal box big enough to let you stars set and dry. Then on the top lid would be a little wire cage which would contain a water balloon or more if needed. In the case of a fire, it would rupture the balloons cuase the container to be flooded with water, putting out the burning material. I was wanted something that would solve the "on-fire" problem and not just contain it.


Nice 4" TT. Looks like lots of flash booster:) I guess I could get away with that if it werent for my fiberglass tape pasting jobs. The stars did burn a bit long, looked great though. Like said, make em a bit smaller and you can get a few more in with a denser pattern. Good luck with the next ones.

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The stars were 1/2" pumped, i'm thinking for the next one maybee 1/4" or sligtly over. It looks like loads of flash in the photos but it was only 4 grams spread between the 2 hemis.


Thanks for the tips guys :)

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So that's 4 grams of FP, with some BP rice hulls? I'm trying to learn... I thought FP was generally used only on the smallest shells. How much BP/rice hull did you use? And may I ask, what was the proportion of BP to rice, 4:1? Thanks, that's a nice looking shell.
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So that's 4 grams of FP, with some BP rice hulls? I'm trying to learn... I thought FP was generally used only on the smallest shells. How much BP/rice hull did you use? And may I ask, what was the proportion of BP to rice, 4:1? Thanks, that's a nice looking shell.

Thats it Swede, 4 grams of flash on top of the BP on grass seed. The flash is added as a "booster" to give the burst of the shell a bit more of a kick, it's not really necesary in larger shells but it doesn't do any harm if you do decide to use it. The ratio of the BP to seed is 4:1.

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