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I would suggest that you use KP on rice hulls at about 1:6or7 through out the shell. If you fill a 2in shell full of flash and put it in there you will either blowall the stars blind or shatter them if they arent made for that. Just as long as you make sure to get the passfire up to the very center of the whole shell you should be good with no or very little booster if using KP.
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Alrighty, 3 vids for ya.

3 inch D1 Glitter with Tigertail Ring



4 inch Tigertail ball shell (my first 4")



4" can, my first attempt at farfalle didnt quite get the effect I wanted, but decent nonetheless.


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3 good shells! I liked the first one, especially. Very interesting effect.
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Hey thanks sidewinder, that was actually the first time where everything that I lit off functioned properly, so that was kind of nice. I was kind of nervous about the first two shells, cause they were sitting in the shed all winter because I didnt have a chance to light them until now. Now that I feel pretty good about my methods I think its time I got making stuff for the fourth. :)
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What size were the D1? Looks like they were small, but a lot of them?

Either that or they shattered?

I liked your shells, I was building something similar to your first shell, but with white stars and charcoal streamer ring.

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Thanks guys.

@bluesquib, I believe the D1 stars were just a hair above 3/8", but I cant remember for sure. And yeah, the tigertail was a little fast, I think I milled it for a wee bit too long.

@ freakydutchmen, that was an amazing shell! Could you share the comp you use in your farfalle? I was hoping mine would look like that but sadly they fell far short. And that purple was very nice too, what was that?

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Ver ynice shell Dutch, I'm guessing that it was fired from a steel mortar hearing the lift noise.
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Amazing, you should post a tutorial in the tutorial section.

I second that.

I would love to see how you construct these shells, the break was perfect, did you use any booster?

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Thank you guys. To be honest I'm not totally satisfied with the result BUT I'm almost there :D.

Because I've used stars in the pistil there wasn't enough space left for enough KP burst. Next time I will include a flash booster (in a way someone adviced me), hopefully that will give it a wider break and stars traveling a straight line.


@oskarchem, jeps I've got a stainless steel mortar.


Titanium was used in these BP based inserts. The somewhat yellowish collor is because I haven't cleaned the titanium turnings, next time I will.


There is one picture of the shell on pyrobin, the picture tells a lot.

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the tigertail was a little fast, I think I milled it for a wee bit too long.

That shouldn't be the problem, TT must be milled a very long time.

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OMG that was an amazing shell Dutch. A few questions if I may:


1. Those farfelle casing paper? They almost look like plastic.


2. Curious what kind of purple comp that was (coloring agents), or atleast where you got it.


3. Did you have some kinda of orienting device on the shell or are you just lucky and catch them at the right angle?


But yes I third the idea of the tutorial, it would be nice to know how to make the inserts atleast. I dont believe Passfire has anything on them.

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1. PVC






Al (dark).....10




3. Just lucky.


Inserts are like hummers, just a hole drilled right trough the middle. So then you've got two holes. Maybe I will make a tut some day, but first this shell has to be perfect.

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Hi I'm a Newb . I just launched my first 4/ 3'' shells with good results but to my question tried the search to no Avail. I'm looking for the chart I know I saw on here reading all 102 pages of this thread for timing of shells by inch size( ball shells)
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Thank you Frogy thats just what I was looking for . Think I will try 3 seconds cuz my 3'' was a little long at 3 seconds and knocked them back to about 2.5
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Hi I'm a Newb . I just launched my first 4/ 3'' shells with good results.......

Wow those two statements hardley ever go together, lol.


I also noticed that my 3" balls timed for 3 seconds seem to stall a little too long before breaking. I tested a dummy shell the other day and it seems it only got to about 230ft, I thought it looked good but I was suprissed at how low it really was.



Interesting comp Dutch, Ive been playing only with ones based off a mix of strontium and copper carbonates. Mostly since I dont have any SrNO3 right now to play with. It looked organic for having a metal fuel in it.


You said those farfelles have two holes in them? Any dimension of the PVC pipe? PM if you'd rather, im very interested in these shells.

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Been doing a lot of research and manufacturing of BP burst lift ETC for the past few months . tons of testing star Comps. BP burn rates dummy shells I've been a busy man . This site has been invaluable to me for Info. on all the knowledge I need to absorb gota run the 4TH is right around the corner .
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Frankly, I think "Newb" is a term that you're a fair bit beyond, despite what you may think. ;)
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Would anyone have a site on Farfalle construction because Passfire has nothing on it and I didn't find anything here, I'm very interested in the construction.



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Come on guys do a little bit of experimenting, the term of spoonfeeding is very appropriate at this moment. In this topic you'll find a crosscut picture of a 6" farfalle shell. There is also a picture of one of my 4" farfalle on pyrobin.

About the inserts, easy to make and easy to do some little tests. You could even put them in a 1" starmine or stargun.


I've read a lot of fulcanelli and shimizu, that's something you should do to.

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Ok so this Farfalle its just like a Z-Bomb right?

No, it's not.


A farfalle is a tube filled with composition plugged at both ends with clay and 2 holes opposite each other. It almost can't get any more simple.

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