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Ooops, sorry, I should have said that the HEMP seed is irradiated then added to the mix.


That's Federal Law, I believe, and for obvious reasons. :D



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Ooops, sorry, I should have said that the HEMP seed is irradiated then added to the mix.


That's Federal Law, I believe, and for obvious reasons. :D



a shame realy considering it's a native plant.


so do you guys think if any of the stars blow blind that core could sprout?




it's all part of my evil plan.


1. shells

2. birdfeeders

3. ?

4. proffit?

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Hehe, ST1, nice plan for your pyro buget to go up :D, and then if ever the feds came to knock on your door, you could always say that you baught a shell :D. Any way, what about brocoli seeds as cores?I've looked at some and they seem good.


Would your garden look like this? :D


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Why all the joking about hemp? Hemp (the male plants) although not cultivated in the US are and have been an incredibly useful resource for hundreds if years. Almost every part of the hemp plant has multiple uses.


The FEMALE plant is cannabis (the plant which contains THC and other organic chemicals that turn into psychoactive drugs upon digestion)


The male plant has extremely low amounts of THC certainly not enough to cause any hallucinations or psychoactive effects.

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Yup, hemp contains such small amount of THC that you'd have to smoke a joint the size of a lamppost to get high.

You would by then have far more pain to worry about. :rolleyes:

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Why all the joking about hemp? Hemp (the male plants) although not cultivated in the US are and have been an incredibly useful resource for hundreds if years. Almost every part of the hemp plant has multiple uses.


The FEMALE plant is cannabis (the plant which contains THC and other organic chemicals that turn into psychoactive drugs upon digestion)


The male plant has extremely low amounts of THC certainly not enough to cause any hallucinations or psychoactive effects.


Yup, hemp contains such small amount of THC that you'd have to smoke a joint the size of a lamppost to get high.

You would by then have far more pain to worry about.  :rolleyes:


nice work guys, it's nice to see people who know thier hemp facts. it's amazing how many people believe you need to have fields of pot growing to get a pair of hemp cordoroys


hemp is an amazing plant, at one point it was widely cultivated and used in this country. then the petrochem, cotton, and hurst (paper) got involved and demonised it's use for thier proffit.


the male plant contains more anti-cannibinoids than THC which means it actually sobers you up if you tried to smoke it.


funny thing about the hemp plant many people don't know...


if grown in straight tight rows like in the case of the picture above, the plant grows tall and thin and produces little to no lower folliadge. in this arrangement even the females produce little THC. in a typical hemp farm the seeds aren't preselected as males (no way to do that TBH) but because the plants all grow so straight and narrow they don't produce much (if any) THC. partly due to the method of plantation, but mnostly due to the early harvest times. the plants are usually cut and retted just after the males flower and release thier polen. after which they begin to die.


at this point the farmer begins the harvest leaving the female plants little time to produce seeds or THC


the other aspect of this being in seed production...


where the farmer is specificly trying to induce seed production they literly remove the polen from the males and dust the female plants with it. each grain of polen that sticks to the white hairs of the female will be devoted plant energy to produce a seed.


this depleats the plants enegrgy to flower (bud) production and therefore again lowers the THC content of the female plants.


basicly in any industrialised hemp operation the plants are mixed, and grown tall, and encouraged to produce seeds meaning all hemp plants (no matter the sex) will contain little THC.


either way the reason for this tangent was because hemp ash was listed in the comp formula for a few stars, it got me thinking of using live seeds for cores and coating burst.


also at that point it'd be fun to go ahead and make a green "pattern" star in the shape of a 7 point leaf.



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My first cannister shell, 4 inch.

Speechless with admiration. I'm with pudi...details please. That's was one on the most symetrical home-built can breaks I've ever seen and the inserts were perfect.

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Wow! THe first, It's hard to beleive, very nice symetrical break. Details pleaseeee
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I used a combination of potassiumperchlorate burstcharge and mealpowder, coated on ricehuls.


Lift was about 75 grams of pulverone, the weight of the shell was about 500 grams.

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Excellent example of a farfalle shell there FREAKYDUTCHMEN


Construction pics of each stage of the build would be great, and details on the inserts would be great also :P



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I do not have any pics of the construction.

A couple pages back you can see a cross-cutt of a farfalle shell.

I would advise to read shimitzu and fulcanelli books/pdf's.


Next time I will ad a pistil in it.


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I've never seen a Canister shell like that. Beautiful.
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This is my first 3" ball shell. It is a paper hemi,crys. #8, rice hulls with a little whistle. This is also the first time I tried to video a shoot as well so you may have to exercise a little imagination!


prefire pics






the well take video :rolleyes:




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Fired some shells yesterday, here are the better ones from me


3" Canister with reeper silver (they were yellow, I guess that's what happens if you use bright Alu in them) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQd5OcUnRLo


6" Round shell with blond streamer comets



6" Round shell with better pearl comets and small C6 cut stars



Enjoy and please comment :)

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Very nice...the mix of C6 and the Pearl was cool. You could see the different break radii of the two different stars...neat for a single petal break.

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Nice ones PGF ! How big were the comets, and were they pressed or what ?

22mm, rammed comets, in both shells :)


Thanks for the comments guys.

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