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Well, nice but all of the shells we saw that you made were not fired were they? Shame about the clouds.. BUt I just loved the mines and comets (actually I loved evrything :D)
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Hi guys,


I just wanted to show you guys my pyrotechnic devices I fired at nye.


It's on youtube (please comment):



And you can also download it if you like:



What do you think ?


Bye, Yellowcard

I got to know that comp that was like an orange D1. I really like that one.

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Actually it looks like the lift powder was a worse problem than the fuse. The shell didn't get up that high, it should've been waaay up higher than that.
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Well I tested my lift before that, and it lifted up a dud shell, and it went up pretty high... So I think the, visco started tu burn right at the entry of the shell.
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ok, well I you know better in shells so I will not argue, for tomorrow I have made a new one with more lift... just hope that it will burn.
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Yeah, he's right, it's the lift's fault. A flower pot or muzzlebreak has a very distictive pattern, and that was not it. You either need more lift or better lift.
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D1 is somewhat orange.

D1 is like a silver glitter. I'm talking about the glitter part of the star not the tail.

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well that D1 looked slightly orange but it was most likely due to the video quality and the clouds/smog.

That could be but could it also be Fe?

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well that D1 looked slightly orange but it was most likely due to the video  quality and the clouds/smog.

That could be but could it also be Fe?

D1 glitter dosen't contain Fe


53.00% Potassium Nitrate

18.00% Sulfur

11.00% Charcoal (airfloat)

7.00% Aluminium (-325 mesh, spherical)

7.00% Sodium Bicarbonate

4.00% Dextrin


It's classed as gold glitter.You will get a slight charcoal tail with delayed gold flashes.



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Nope. You really need to learn more about pyro.

Calm down, its a question. I didn't know why there was orange glitter.


D1 glitter dosen't contain Fe


53.00% Potassium Nitrate

18.00% Sulfur

11.00% Charcoal (airfloat)

7.00% Aluminium (-325 mesh, spherical)

7.00% Sodium Bicarbonate

4.00% Dextrin


It's classed as gold glitter.You will get a slight charcoal tail with delayed gold flashes.




I know the comp for D1 but I looked on youtube at D1 stars and its completely different for the orange glitter for the other video. BTW, I specifically asked yellowcard for the comp for this reason.

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Guys, relax.

It was just the normal D1 comp I used.

It indeed turned out somewhat yellow, I think that's had 3 possible reasons:


1) The smog

2) The (somewhat cheap) charcoal I used

3) The Al is 250mesh, and is has to be 325+.


But D1 is a ''yellow glitter composition'' so it's not weird right ?

D1, I love it.


Bye, Yellowcard

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It was more in response to the fact that iron can't be used to produce a glitter.

Ok, its just when you said that I needed to learn more about pyro I took it like you were calling me stupid.


Thanks, yellowcard.

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when you said that I needed to learn more about pyro I took it like you were calling me stupid.

It's a common mistake, and people confuse "uneducated" and "stupid" all the time, with the usual result of an unintended insult. If Einstein couldn't speak Chinese and a million 4 year old Chinese children could, was Einstein "stupid"? Of course not. He simply wasn't educated in that specific knowledge. We are all on a quest for knowledge all of our lives and we simply can't know everything ABOUT everything. I've found that damned near everyone knows SOMETHING that I can learn from them, ........if I can just put up with filtering out all the bullshit........


"How does this belong in the Ariel Shells thread," I hear you say? Good question! Mods, perhaps (MOD EDIT: Now, now, no need to fan the flames, lol.)


Yes, let's keep this thread on topic, please.

Edited by TheSidewinder
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Ok, guys here is my first realy succesful shell, it went up nicly and burst... Just loved it, so now that my goal is reached, I will cool down on making shells, and make some good charcoal, because in june it is my step fathers 60'th birthday, and guess... A big party and of corse: Fireworks! So well...


Anyway enough said here is a vid:


2" Cylinder

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Ok, guys here is my first realy succesful shell, it went up nicly and burst... Just loved it, so now that my goal is reached, I will cool down on making shells, and make some good charcoal, because in june it is my step fathers 60'th birthday, and guess... A big party and of corse: Fireworks! So well...


Anyway enough said here is a vid:


2" Cylinder

That was a nice can shell. A heck a lot better than my can shells. My can shells turn into star mines.

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Oskar, you are well on the right track. It looks like you need to dial in break and spiking now. It broke out one side, or one of the ends. This is actually rather common phenomenon with small shells like these. Normally it is counteracted by using harder burst, but careful design can also be made to work.


Mormanman, it sounds like you need to reevaluate what you're doing, and how you're doing it. Flowerpotting shells isn't good for the mortar, nor is it a sign that care is being taken while manufacturing. Many members here would be willing to help if you continue to have issues. There are several tricks one can use to help fireproof the shell.


bmarley, sorry I haven't gotten to respond to you yet. I can't offer exact advice, as the shells I make are different from yours. I personally don't use a canule. The size would be irritatingly small in the 1 1/4" ID shells I make. It would also prevent me from crossmatching the interior of my shells. Instead I fill the casings around 3/4" the way full, and pack it in with good black powder. I add a scoop on top and tap the side with a stick to settle it between the stars. The shell should be pretty hard even before spiking. I will sometimes also include some flash, maybe a gram or so to give it a bit more pop, but not really neccesary. I spike the shells with hemp twine both horizontally and vertically. Around 8 vertical spikes, and about 7-8 horizontal spikes. I had originally used only vertical, but I think I get a better break off of using both. The shells are pasted in with broken-in virgin kraft.


The casing is rolled with 2 turns of chipboard or manilla folder, and 2 turns of 70lb kraft. I use virgin kraft because it is what I have. Other sources will probably be fine. The canister is rolled dry, except for a bead of glue between the two papers, and at the end of the kraft to hold it all together. The ends are folded down via a triangle fold, and set in place with a hammer, or beating it against the concrete floor. A bit of glue is used in between each fold to hold it in place. I find if I don't use glue on the ends, it tends to be a bit messier to punch or drill the fuse holes.


I don't know if you have a copy of Pyrotechnica XI or the fulcanelli paper scan, but it is all outlined in there. Additionally if you have passfire, there is a visual tutorial of the processes more or less as I describe it above. If you don't have a passfire subscription, I really suggest it. If not only for the articles(which are good if you don't want to drop a lot of money on books), but for the forum. There are several excellent reference sources there, though albeit a bit traditional in their ways.

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Thanks Mumbles, Yes I know about the spiking, but since this is mly first real canister, I don't know how to do it properly (well I know how I should do it but just can't...But I'm sure I will get there eventually...)
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So I found my easter eggs...Im gonna make about a 20 shell "show" for my friends birthday. Im just going to load up my bumblee rack and shoot em. Hopefully I get more than 20 made up and ill have to make some multi shot shells. This should be all down by next week, and there will be a video. Oh and everything is homemade, no commercial crap.


Oh and why do they make multi shot shells that are stacked on top of each other with each shell having its own lift and they are all spontaneously ignited by quick match? Why not just make it a mutli break shell where the burst lights the next shell? Is there a reason for using different lifting?

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