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Aerial Shells


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Me and joe609 recently made this canister shell, it worked ok but it could have done with more height.How much lift would you suggest for this 80gram shell?


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Like I'm sure was said before in this topic, we can't tell you hoe much lift to use. Do some tests with dummy shells and decide how much BP to put as a lift.
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Millihouse. I generally use 3-3.5seconds of delay on my 4" shells.


As far as weknowpyro. It doesn't seem like you are interested at all in actually learning anything. Your entire stay here has basically been you wanted to be spoonfed. If you don't start searching for yourself soon, I am going to ban you straight out. You add nothing to the community here.

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Millihouse. I generally use 3-3.5seconds of delay on my 4" shells.


As far as weknowpyro. It doesn't seem like you are interested at all in actually learning anything. Your entire stay here has basically been you wanted to be spoonfed. If you don't start searching for yourself soon, I am going to ban you straight out. You add nothing to the community here.

Mumbles, do you have any action shots or movies of your shells, i really havent seen any of yours and i'd really be instrested in seeing some.

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Thanks ,i'll try to make some spolletes with a 3sec delay. Secondly,as far as i couldnt find anything about two spolletes in one shell,i wanted to ask about its advantages and disadvantages,heres a pic so you know what i mean: http://img310.imageshack.us/img310/2899/img02405dq.jpg
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Duble fusing is common at least among some larger chinese and japanese shells. I can't think of other disadvantages than a slightly higher chance of the lift blowing through the holes. . Seriously, if you finnish your shells well, I'm sure there wont be any problems.
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Thanks ,i'll try to make some spolletes with a 3sec delay. Secondly,as far as i couldnt find anything about two spolletes in one shell,i wanted to ask about its advantages and disadvantages,heres a pic so you know what i mean:

Like Chris said, double fusing is done simply for safety/reliability in many ball shells above 6" and almost all large salute shells.


The spollettes in the shell that you've pictured are a bit too far into the shell casing in my opinion. Usually, you want a 1/4" or more sticking out, so that pasted twine can be wrapped around the base for an additional measure of reinforcement and fire blockage.

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I aggree that the spollett looks to far into the shell. Whatever works though. I use 4 seconds for my 3" shells, but they break really high. I think I will cut down on the lift and on the timing to get a better lower break.
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No, I don't have any videos of action shots. I don't have a video camera, so that is at times rather inconvenient for things like this. I joined a local(ish) pyro club, so perhaps I can get some on video or camera from someone else sometime. All I really have are prefiring pictures.


This is still my favorite that I have online. By the way, it is the fuse that is off center, not the string.



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Any complete tuts on Aerial Shells? I want to get into pure pyro, HE is getting boring...
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There's a tutorial on a whole 3 inch insert shell. in the tutorial section ;) . Probably not the easiest to do though.
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Tutorials are everwhere on the net. Look at some of the members pages.
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I'll bring my video camera to the next meet.


Looks like I won't have time to build anything, but I'll see if I can get at least ONE shell ready.



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Those spolletes were like 1cm out,but when i pasted 12 layers i made them look like they're in :)
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I don't know when I will have stuff to bring, but I will definatly let you know. I imagine those 3" shells we're building will have to be set off sometime.
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Millihouse. I generally use 3-3.5seconds of delay on my 4" shells.


As far as weknowpyro. It doesn't seem like you are interested at all in actually learning anything. Your entire stay here has basically been you wanted to be spoonfed. If you don't start searching for yourself soon, I am going to ban you straight out. You add nothing to the community here.

I am just getting into pyro, with rocketry being my background in this field, and my feelings on this are that, with pyro not being an exact science and people learning in different ways we shouldn't be excluding people from a great source of information, its all well and good telling people to go off and learn for themselves but it must be taken into account that there is a very large ranginging group of people involved in this hobby, ranging from those who have a very large knowledge of the chemistry involved (or experience), right through to those who have virtually none. Those who have none can only use formulas and methods supplied from others and can only gain the knowledge to safely make adjustments, from information sources as this.

I would rather that someone told someon else how to make a device idiot/parrot fashion and did it safely than that someone was told to go figure it for themselves and end up blowing their face off. Be aware pyro holds a fascination to virtually everyone, and once someone has the bug and has taken the first steps to making a device, they are not going to be disuaded from trying to make / improve further devices just because they have been banned from a forum.

Surely it is better to give these people safe guidance rather than leave them to their own devices.

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Millihouse.  I generally use 3-3.5seconds of delay on my 4" shells.


As far as weknowpyro.  It doesn't seem like you are interested at all in actually learning anything.  Your entire stay here has basically been you wanted to be spoonfed.  If you don't start searching for yourself soon, I am going to ban you straight out.  You add nothing to the community here.

I am just getting into pyro, with rocketry being my background in this field, and my feelings on this are that, with pyro not being an exact science and people learning in different ways we shouldn't be excluding people from a great source of information, its all well and good telling people to go off and learn for themselves but it must be taken into account that there is a very large ranginging group of people involved in this hobby, ranging from those who have a very large knowledge of the chemistry involved (or experience), right through to those who have virtually none. Those who have none can only use formulas and methods supplied from others and can only gain the knowledge to safely make adjustments, from information sources as this.

I would rather that someone told someon else how to make a device idiot/parrot fashion and did it safely than that someone was told to go figure it for themselves and end up blowing their face off. Be aware pyro holds a fascination to virtually everyone, and once someone has the bug and has taken the first steps to making a device, they are not going to be disuaded from trying to make / improve further devices just because they have been banned from a forum.

Surely it is better to give these people safe guidance rather than leave them to their own devices.

If you reread my post, you will see I didn't say "go off and trying making things for yourself" I said you don't seem interested in learning period. Reading is learning too, despite what many here seem to believe. How much lift to use is a very common thing. Reading would easily help you find it. Shells are definatly not the place to start. You are trying to run before you can walk.


I am all for helping people learn. However, if they don't take things seriously, I have no interest in helping them. By making devices, complicated ones at that, before you completely know what you are doing, it gives me the indication that you are not serious about the hobby or learning what you are doing.

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He simply asked how much lift to use how is that 'not taking pyro seriously' and we didnt start at shells we have just come on to them after doing basically most other devices so i do not class that as running before we can walk.
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If you need to ask how much lift to use, you are already in over your head. If you have come on to them, then you need to go back. To me, building a shell, then asking how much lift to use is like buying a car, then asking how to drive it. If you don't know how to drive, there is really no point in having a car. Same thing here, if you haven't done your basic research, there is really no point in making a device. While you're at it, why not go make some fountains, then come ask how to fuse them.


You don't care enough to actually do research, and learn on your own without us spoon feeding it to you. That is what I see as disrespectful, and not serious about the hobby.

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The fact is it gets annoying spoonfeeding. How much lift to use is all over the forum. The answer is whatever works for you. BP varies greatly in quality, thus how much to be used will vary.
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I agree there is plenty of information out there and that one could just go off and find it but surely, this forum is ONE of those resources, each of us has some knowledge that the other doesn't no matter how experienced or in-experienced we are and surely the whole idea of a forum is to exchange ideas and information.

If you feel that someone is asking "to many" questions then surely just, don't give up the information. Threatening an outright ban seems a bit dictatorial to me. you never know one day that person may become the number one expert in their field and it may be you begging information from them.


I am about to embark on making some of my first devices after spending the best part of 2 years reading and researching, have at great exspense built up a library of information including, Weingart, Lancaster, Peregrin, Shimizu, Sleeter, Sponenburg etc plus probably over 100 internet bookmarks. I still probably have more questions than answers but now I'm too scared to ask them :P :P Only joking but lets not scare people off surely a gentle nudge in the direction of the information would be better.

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I am happy you have done your research. I started off in a similar manner reading for several years.


Anyway, I do agree there should be an exchange of information. However, for weknowpyro it has been a one way street it seems. I'm not against people asking lots of questions to better understand or learn. He is asking lots of questions purely out of lazyness. Things that can easily be found with maybe 5 minutes of searching. I only threatened with the ban because of this. If he at least made some feable attempt at looking like he actually wanted to learn, I would have no problem helping him out.

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This kind of reminded me of your shells Pretty green flame. Some early ones that I made. 2" easter egg. Not a great spread, and crappy stars. Also the days of extremely shitty and unreliable quickmatch.




Yeah probably a good thing mumbles. A 3 inch shell popping a foot out of the mortar and going off would be really bad, let alone a 5 inch. Scary thought :unsure:

Yeah I've seen a 4 inch do that.. It was terrible and I wasn't far away at all. (Not my shell), a friends.

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