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How do I make end paper end plugs


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Just drill a hole about 1-2 cm deep (depending on plug size) and take a dowel about 8 mm thiner in diameter.

Now glue as many sheets of kraft together as you need for you desired thickness, cut out circles (for a relly nice looking plug that needs no trimming affterwards) or squares out and place them over the hole (3 layers of recycled are good or 100 g/sqm virgin). Now take the dowel and press them into the hole. They can be removed after 10 seconds. If you used a square and want a nice even plug, just take a sharp nknife or small scissors and cut flush with the top of the hole.


This can also be done without the template, just punch 'rm straight into the end of the casing.

For glue best use straight wood glue

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Buy a wad punch set like this. http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/wad-punch


Then you can simply cut discs from food boxes, such a cereal boxes etc. Drill a hole in a board the size of the end plug (obviously your cut disc will be a larger diameter) and push it into the hole with a smaller sized dowel. That is how to make cheap, quick and effective end plugs,

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I make all my 'punches' from old, dull hole saws. Chuck them in a hand drill and turn the teeth off to a beveled edge against a grinder or disc sander...remove the center drill...unless you need a 1/4" fuse hole.....I insert a spring to push the punched disc out. Make from cardboard cereal boxes, misc boxes and cardboard sheets.

Drill a 3/16 - 1/4" deep hole the size of your disc in a piece of 3/4 or 2x4 with a forstner bit, then bore all the way thru it with another forstner bit the sixe of the ID you wish to plug....can make hundreds in a few minutes by using a drill press to cut the discs and than insert a rod/dowell of the right size and push the discs thru.

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