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What's a good way to grind phenolic resin? I have a box of big chucnks that I'd like to powder. I was thinking the meat grinder, followed by ball milling. The only hesitation I have with the mill is the stuff leaves my hands pretty sticky after handling it and I'm not sure how well it would grind in the rubber barrel.

I don't really want to grind a fuel in the little coffee mill for safety reasons.



Coffee mill is your best bet... It does not ball mill and gums up the meat grinder. Best idea is to seal it in desiccant, get it dry, throw it in the freezer, take out frozen, but into the coffee grinder and grind it frozen.


Depends for what do you want to use it?

If you only want to use it as binder, then dissolve it and use the solution for binding.


Other ways would be to do like dag mentioned above


or powder jt by rapid crystallisation to surpress the built up of large crystalls. For this cool a bucket of water. Then dissolve your phenolic resin in boiling alcohol (best to use a condenser to do this) and add the solution fast to the cooled water. This way the phenolic fesin will precipate without being able to build big crystals, but be aware thus method will be much more expensjve then freezing and using a coffe mill and the resin takes so e time dry.


While I do have a lab hot plate/stirer at home, I do not have access to a condenser, nor do I want to invest in one. But it's food for thought for the future.

It's sounding like the coffee mill is going to be the way to go, I could use my 10 cup cuisinart bowl I suppose and get all 10# done, but I don't really want to gunk that up with resin.

No dangers of an igntition powdering this particular fuel in a coffee grinder?

Any fuel can burn but if you feel ok with grains in a blender, resin should not pose any greater rusk.
Blend it in short iterations, phenolic resin has a tendency to heat up and melt in blade mills- it can be ball milled but it's a bit of a mess

Why would not work in blender with some water added? The slush can then be dried.


I never got hold of phenolic resin but it sounds to have physical properties very similar to colophonium, only with a lower melting point and probably less brittle ?

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