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Hybrid Whistle - 4oz motors 50/50 benzo and Pine BP


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That's a nice little motor!


Are you going nozzleless with that 50:50 mix? I'll have to measure my spindle, but I run straight benz whistle on it without a problem and it easily lifts a 4" ball.


Also, if you're testing in the day time, you can fill your cylinder with line chalk to give a nice color smoke cloud.




Thanks WB ! I am really loving rockets and the lift power of them, yes nozzleless with50-50 mix. I started by saying my straight ( tame) sali was too much for the 3 - 3.5 " ball shells of mine, so I dropped to 50 - 50.

I want to use schroedinger' s directions to dial a 4" shell with delay timing and a "sand canister" My 4" ball shells weight 280 g - 330g I am guessing the straight ( tame ) sali will have no problem with my Homemade tooling, Thanks for the colored chalk tip, I tried a few this past winter, they are fun for day time!


What did your 4" weigh ? spider stars ? I have a 5" spider start that I built this past winter, just getting my motors ready for the job !

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well,... yes... but at some point in this thread the OP switched to 3/4" motors.


Edit: I guess both at this point, this thread is pretty hard to read.

Sorry Maserface, I just want to mention my 1# to schroedinger, as he was asking about lift weights with my motors, I did get a but side tracked, but it was good as Schroedinger gave an altered build tip for the larger Sand canisters. I am just having too much fun with these.....a bit of rambling on my part. :)



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I wonder how much an 3/4 whistle will be able to lift with those conditions 800 g - 1kg ?

If I was better with my tube rolling, mine are good for #1 BP, not too sure about the whistle yet... I would imagine your range is reasonable as my BP lifted 520g + 50g in sticks. My 4oz BP gets 140g minimal to not high enough for a 3" - hence my use of adding whistle to the motor.

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When dialing in motors it is fairly common to make a shell like you plan on using and adding an inert filler to achieve the weight of the real shell. For smaller shells it may be something more dense like sand or gravel and larger shells something more like dog food.


A break charge such as a flash bag is a good idea and will still give input on timing.

That's good stuff, although if I start spreading dog food around my LZ, I will have to watch where my dog is when testing ;) I like all these good ideas for ways to lift a weight and have it disperse before it comes back. I am lucky as I have a vacant field next to me for a LZ. The ideas are also great as I can start to dial the precise weight in , rather than picking a container and seeing what I end up with for weight.


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GOOD GRAVY! That was awesome WB! What fuel on that bad boy?


Nothing special, just 76-23-1-3, using NaBenz and CuOxy.


Thanks WB ! I am really loving rockets and the lift power of them, yes nozzleless with50-50 mix. I started by saying my straight ( tame) sali was too much for the 3 - 3.5 " ball shells of mine, so I dropped to 50 - 50.

I want to use schroedinger' s directions to dial a 4" shell with delay timing and a "sand canister" My 4" ball shells weight 280 g - 330g I am guessing the straight ( tame ) sali will have no problem with my Homemade tooling, Thanks for the colored chalk tip, I tried a few this past winter, they are fun for day time!


What did your 4" weigh ? spider stars ? I have a 5" spider start that I built this past winter, just getting my motors ready for the job !


I don't honestly remember, but I would guess around 350g. Yep, spider stars, close to C6.


I wonder how much an 3/4 whistle will be able to lift with those conditions 800 g - 1kg ?


I've used my 3/4" motors to lift 4" two break cylinder shells in the past, weighing about 1kg. They could probably lift more, but I haven't pushed beyond that. If I wanted to lift heavier stuff, I'd probably look into using a 2 stage set-up; use this motor to get it off the pad, and a slightly less powerful "sustainer" motor to get the shell up higher.




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Hi WB,


Two stage motors, sweet..........yet another level in rocketry for me to reach someday :)
















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So for the 1/2" motors the tubes were how long to lift 3.5" header?

Bp fuel is weaker the whistle fuel?


I'm new to all this but starting to learn more. Launch a sugar rocket the other night. My buddy is fixated on rockets. I need info for my brain.


Thanks Great rockets Matt and WB

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These are 50/50 benzo and BP as in title,

Do you mean benzolift or benzo whistle mix?

By the way those were impressive rockets, especially the second one.

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