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My latest paulownia BP video


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Just curious, why do you add erythitol?
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I did a side by side comparison with the standard 75/15/10 and this formula early on and the result was a faster end result. I played with it adding eryth bit by bit until it seemed to be at the sweet spot. Why eryth, no reason at first really except looking for ways to use it in pyro in place of reg sugar. My original recipe for bp before adding the eryth was 82 pn, 20 c.coal, 6 sulfur and 2 dextrin. Sulfurless BP is quite a bit faster then the standard. So I started with that and added the sulfur until it seemed to have a good speed - gaseous ratio. I really did'nt know what to expect from adding the eryth, it was just an experiment that turned out to be good. Hope that makes sense :)

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Fresh Paulownia limbs or dried first? It looks real good Sparx.

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WOW! Very nice Sparx!

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I dry the wood first. When I cut a branch I cut that into segments that fit into the retort and then split them. I also just leave the bark on because it's so thin like paper.


Thank you for the compliments :) Means a lot coming from you guys.


Liam, I use 70% rubbing alcohol.

Edited by Sparx88
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