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Ball milling clumping



Hallo to all pyros again! i have a problem with the ball mill! when the metal starts to be fine it sticks to barrel and i don't have any further grinding efficient! Is anyone there that know what it could be? I don't have humidity here especially now at summer! please help guys because i become crazy with this thing! + the barrel is from pvc not rubber and i use chrome steel balls half inch and quarter inch!


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I find if that if I dry the components for two hours at 60 degrees Celsius the mixture does not clump. Even if you can't feel the humidity in the air, does not mean that the composition is dry enough to process.



i am new the art and from hours of reading i want to know about the steel balls in a mill? in the first article i read it states do not use anything that could spark. i use lead as was advised on other forums. i am here to learn so please show me the way! thank you in advance.



@Slimetime , the steel balls I've changed them way far since then ,i was noobie just like you in the Field so my first tries was with ss balls because back then i could only used them as an available option... I surely not recommend them at all because i manage to brake my werehouse windows from shock wave explosion after a well tight jar from high dense polyethylene with thick walls and about 500gr of bp with rusty steel balls it was a bad combination for sure! Fortunately i was far away from people properties etc. But i was also lucky because i always have remote control switch on and off...for this type of failures! Be safe start reading and then start with slow steps to learn more by practice! Fireworks isn't toys and don't forgive mistakes they will punish you in an blink of an eye and you don't even noticed... Be safe stay green!
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