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1 # BP rocket test, 330 g payload ( wheat flour) Ti tail and tiny break

Wanted to test a 1 # rocket for lifting 3" cylinders, loaded this one with a 330 g "flour " payload ( soon to be used as air float flour :P in glue that I want to try) Put a Ti tail on it and a tiny break of 3 washed out blue stars I'm trying to get rid of. She jumped out of the tube, straight and sweet ! delay charge was a touch long with break just after the apex. This is homemade tooling, with a 5 " spindle, tube was 7 ", with 1.5 inches of Ti mix above the spindle. Total fuel was 46 g, a little more that I would use for a mortar shot , 33g or 10%, but I should have weighed the whole rocket for a good comparison. Total flight was 8 - 9 seconds before the crashing thud of the flour shell coming back......Love these rockets for lift !!! check out the vid of this flight from an ipod, big thick Ti tail, soon I'll will test launch the 3# tooling I made today with some tubes that I rolled. :D


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