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psyco_1322's Experiments

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Any/All Experiements of Random Pyroness

Entries in this blog

Build Pics

Just making this to post some random build pics of stuff I've been working on. Some things are for competition, some are just tests, 4th of July stuff, and fun shootings. Feel free to comment and ask questions.   5" Ring and SOS   3" multibreaks spiked/ 6"Palm   Pasted and ready to be leadered and lifted.   6" Palm, about done   6" Palm Tree Shell   Ti Coconuts!!   6" mine pistons   Cut Win20   4" shells spiked   4" shells finished   3" Rondelle with strobe pistil and BS, rocket head



Visco Firecracker Competition

Just a little competition for the fun of it. Read the rules before outraging please. At the end of the competition, I will pick a winner, they will receive a prize. The prize will be a "Box O' Goodies" containing some random things like tubes, end disks, possible a few pounds of chems. If the entry is not valid with the rules, it is not eligible for the prize. For instance if you post a video that doesn't show the construction, then we get to figure you have something to hide and you are ch



Improved Saturn Missiles

This is a nice way to spice up those lame and annoying batteries of Saturn Missiles. No one likes hearing a box of 100 go off for 3 minutes, letting off its horrible whistling rockets with their accompanied weak pops. The Chinese carpet bomb their shells, so I say we carpet bomb some crappy Chinese missiles!   These come out to be a nice device to end your 4th of July, New Years, or private show with, lots of noise all at once. It might be best to use several set ups spaced apart.   OK, so



Excalibur Shell Mines

All info needed to turn some lame Excalibur shells into powerful, loud, huge mines will be put up before July 3rd.   Well it seems that within the last few years they have completely changed the way Excalibur shells are made. I was surprised to see clay plugs when I opened one up. They used to be made with cups sets and were filled with stars, loose powder, and rice hulls. Now they are just filled with stars in some kind of burst powder, and it's packed in there SOLID!!! I'd be surprise if t



Any Ideas?

I'm taking ideas on small projects if you want to see some results of something. Just respond with some ideas. I'll try my best to go through with them. Construction of devices or whatever. Just shoot out some ideas. Reasonable requests are appropriated. Requests for how to build 24" lampares will be considered but likely denied.



Insta Campfire Starter - New Info, 2nd Update

Being involved in Boy Scouts and Pyro, a friend of mine that runs some "Indian" type of ceromonies asked me of a favor. He was needing a magical camp fire that pretty much started itself. I commited and said I could work something up that should suit the need. The previous way of this was that some nut ran a big o piece of copper wire down a cut out of cardboard 6" or so long. It was then lined with match heads down the piece of copper and then this was covered by dripping wax all over it.



What I did on Spring Break

Nothing.   I was sick all freaking week. Had things planned to do, friends to see, shells to shoot. Nope. I had some flu from hell. It started as just a stiff body, then I got a fever, the stiffness went away and I ended up with a splitting head ache, followed by a quick spreading rash that felt like a bad sun burn. Then it was time to go back to school and I magically got really good feeling. Figures.     On the other hand, now that I'm better feeling; Might put up some pics and a quick h



The Results

So I'm really pissed, so this is going to be pretty short. While playing with the pictures, or before, during, and after I ended up deleting about half of them in a second with out recovery. I had pictures of the motor, the nice nozzle, and the fusing technique, and a side-by-side of 3 types of Ti.   Mainly, the motor blew. Guess slightly slowed whistle is ok but not goex bp. Instant boom. Blew burning chunks of Ti all over the place. In the process of stopping out some fires, I found some



Camera?=No Pics=No Video=No Fire

So for the life of me I can't figure out what happened to my camera over the weekend. Its been misplaced somewhere. So until I find it I'm not moving any farther on this project. Though the only thing left to do is light it .   The pressing went very well. The Ti actually release easier that clay does. Looks like a shiny gray nozzle. The Ti seems to be about 4-5 times more volumetric compared to clay when it comes to amount put in for a given amount of nozzle. Were I would use about 2-2



The Idea

I am always experimenting with miscellaneous things, testing new ideas, and just overall doing random things that are never documented, recorded in any way, or sometimes not pictured or video taped at all. The results are usually stored in my head for further use. After being inspired after looking through Swedes work, I decided I would make me up a random experiments "blog". I suppose I can use this as a type of documenting what I've done or will be doing.   I really hate the word "blog". I



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