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Civil War Reenactment

I have not updated this in a while, I have still been shooting shows, but they were nothing out of the ordinary. The sky diving festival posed an interesting site hazard during the set-up with beginner jumpers landing near us, but other than that it was a typical show. (On a related note, if you're wondering what sport cute women participate in, take up sky-diving.)   We're winding down our season, in fact this weekend was my last pro show for the year. I got the chance to participate in pyro



Barge Show

Many fellow pyros have told me that they have worked a barge show, a single barge show and would never do it again. After working my first one, I have to admit that it wasn't that bad. For those who live in the Midwest US, you'll know the heat and humidity is almost unbearable right now. Ambient air temps were just shy of 100 degrees along with record setting dewpoints. The air was so thick it was almost hard to breathe. That was the downside. The upside was we were able to do most of the



Turtle Days Festival

I got the rare opportunity to shoot a show less than 15 miles from my house. I don't even have a place to shoot consumer items that close to home, and most of the displays I've worked on are a 2-3 hour drive each way. Of course, I had to work until 7am the morning of the shoot and naturally we were busy most of the night. 400 miles in the ambulance and a few mugs of coffee later, I got off work late, but was still able to make it to the shoot site on time. I survived the morning with even mo



Shut Down

It seems like mother nature won't give us pyros a break this year. Over the past 6 weeks or so, Northern Indiana has had a ton of rain. We had a rather large shoot planned for this evening, but got shut down by the land owner of the venue. This wasn't a commercial shoot, just something a club plans every year and invites the public to attend. We had a large show with all consumer product, a few small shows planned by individuals, and a large scripted display. We had 20 10s and 25 8s to put



Show Season Begins

I started my season this weekend shooting a small show at a local race track. This was my first show with this company, so I had to be trained their methods. In addition to training me, they were also training a new lead shooter. There was not much to set up. 3 cubes of racks to handfire, racks for the finale, a few comets, and a number of cakes.   The weather seemed to be conspiring against us. It was spitting rain most of the day, but the sponsor had hope for the show. We wrapped all c



Never Underestimate the Power

My first "real" show of the season is still a couple of weeks away. This past weekend a few of us set up a 1.4g finale after a distributor's demo. A simple 5 minute finale served as a good reminder to respect the product, keep your audience at a proper distance, and use safe equipment. I've seen products fail before, so this was nothing new. A 9-shot cake fell apart after the first shot and a shell blew in a mortar, sending a few guns and pieces of the rack flying. I am proud to say that no



Getting Started

I got my first taste of display fireworks a few years ago while helping set up a demo for a local consumer fireworks distributer. As long as I can remember, I wanted to shoot "real" fireworks, and once I had done that, I only wanted more. After helping out with a few other small displays using 1.3g and 1.4g product, I got the chance to be on the crew of a large display put on by a club. It took 10 people 2 days of setting up racks, burying guns, and matching product all for a 20 minute show.



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