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Decentralized pyrotechnic sites on zeronet

With firework tutorials, file and video sharing options, and users can create their uncensored third party free P2P based websites. For making homemade fireworks like a professional all major how to tutorial, safety tips, composition collection can be found on the network. And lot of deleted from Youtube and etc video tutorials. Setting up behind TOR ALWAYS mode users can anonymous way share, download files, create a censor resistance website which is unlimited time will be online until the user are seed it. One of the goals of the project to the open internet to be collected in one place the best pyro tutorials. A lot of hard to find and the open internet is already lost content is available on the network. The operation of the system is very simple it works the same as the torrent with a choicable option across the TOR anonymous network which encrypts traffic, hide the users IP address and prevents users from being identified by following back them to the internet provider. If a user share a content then other users will download from it and help share the content. So as long as someone seed a content until then, it remains active indefinitely. There is no central server, websites and the software code are open source. Users can communicate more secured, anonymous and less observed way. Users have to wait for someone to seed large files so must run the program at system startup. But if someone setup to download all large files from all zites then all content becomes immediately available with offline using too. And the latest video and file uploads are downloaded instantly. There is a description of this in the Chemistry and Pyrotechnics forum how to do this. The full content can only be accessed by those who configure the program in the pages to download all large files and run the program at system startup. Acquiring all files takes a longer time because large files are only downloaded when someone active the current time who downloaded before the file.

The project page:

Using TOR ALWAYS mode we can protect our anonymity. And this mode nobody can track back the users and the website administrators.And nobody know what your currently watching! The are no central servers! The users download from each other the sites (zites) and the files. Only the site owner can censor the users. The system are resistance for all government censorship. After this we can visit the sites (zites) anonymous way.

We need to download first the ZeroNet client to access the services.

https://zeronet.dev (it is not well maintained at the moment)

https://zeronet.io (old link outdated)

https://github.com/zeronet-conservancy/zeronet-conservancy (another updated fork) (0Net DWF decentalized webhosting and fileshare. Only in the network available this fork)

Check the latest fork, whit some outdated forks the large file download does not working!

C&P Zite Index


C&P File Share


C&P Video Share


C&P Forum


C&P Chat

C&P Video Share, C&P File Share service: The C&P Video Sharing service looks like YouTube.Its a YouTube alternative for the amateur pyrotechnics and chemistry community where you can share your work without censors and third party people.If you do this you must run the ZeroNet client at system startup.And you must Use TOR Always mode to do this anonymous way. Your content will be guaranteed available as until your seed your content,or your delete it.If somebody downloaded your content, its will online if your turn off your PC because the downloader are seed your content.

C&P Zite index: Here you can index your own ZeroNet sites.This zites nobody can censor,and nobody can track you back with Tor Always mode.This is absolute free from all third party people.All visitors are seed your site.So its will be online if your turn on your PC.The are only the site owner and the visitors. The Chemisty and Pyrotechnics Forum: If in your conuntry does not have a amateur pyrotechnics community here you can create one.Safe and easy way,the platform have Hungarian,German,Russian selection but the default language was English.
ZeroNet contains many another pyrotechnics zites and tutorials.If your a hobby are amateur pyrotechnic.And you want share your work without third party services easy way,you must try ZeroNet.

ZeroMail: A decentralized email service where the users can send private messages to each other within the network in a much more secure and anonymous way.

ZeroNet contains many another pyrotechnics zites and tutorials.

The Chlorates and Perchlorates

PyroData & PyroGudie

Fireworks Painting the Sky (tutorials)

Richard Nakka's Experimental Rocketry Web Site

LambdaSyn - Die deutschsprachige Synthesensammlung

Tutorials for amateur pyrotechnicians (Hungarian blog)

PyroMaster - minden ami pirotechnika (Hungarian)

And much more zites and tutorials.

This services are seeding many user 24/7,so they never stop and the services never goes offline.

Edited by bugmenot1


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Tried, but no peers online. Seems to be dead



Tried, but no peers online. Seems to be dead


Works for me with the original zeronet.io client using Tor always mode. Zeronet.dev version currently have some issue in this version, I think it will be fixed soon. The original developer stopped development in 2019 and other developers continued the project. Two different developers are currently working on the project.



All pyro content are seeded, not 24/7 but they are seeded at long term.The program is full of bugs. The old developers link are zeronet.io the newer developers link are zeronet.dev. There are several developer in the project with different Zeronet clients. If someone uploads something the users and site owners will help to seed it and keep it online at long term. There are errors in the software download system so it is difficult to download files from C&P file and video share. Software developers can only fix this, this is not the C&P team fault. There are global problems on the network. As long as there is someone who has the content and it is available online. If we are enough for someone to always be online, then the content is available non-stop. If something is not available, you have to wait for someone else to be online who have the content. The websites almost 24/7 online. Here, the content is downloaded from users who downloaded it from another users. Videos and files are hard to download, the reason for this is that the Zeronet software is buggy in the global network, this affect al sites and less users are seeding them. If nothing is available, the problem is with the Zeronet client not the sites are offline. All the pyro sites have been online for several years maybe since 2018, so the system are working. And not one has disappeared from the network. There are cases where there is currently no active user from whom it can be downloaded, but it will be available later. There are developers behind the Zeronet project who are slowly fixing the issues.


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